Harnessing the potential of data

The FAIR Process Framework is a resource created by CABI  for mainstreaming responsible data sharing and managing practices across investments. It is being implemented in the Malawi Digital Plant Health Service (MaDiPHS) project in Malawi to promote responsible and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) data sharing across work packages and partners. In the MaDiPHS project, partners are working together to develop a tool for targeted and efficient pest and disease management of five crops (maize, tomato, cassava, groundnuts and banana) and their pests in Malawi.  
This publication by Henry Mibei and Angel Li (CABI) explains how FAIR and responsible data practices and tooling developed for the CABI’s Enabling Data Access (EDA3) project have been used in MaDiPHS. Moreover, it explains how the implementation proved to be beneficial to a live investment, contextualizing these new ways of working and considerations within the wider Malawi ecosystem focused on plant disease.  

Read more at Gates Open Research

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